Abstracts of the Online National Conference January 11, 2022
Bouchouareb Rayene and Dr. Salim Ounis
Linguistic Challenges in Research Writing among EFL Learners
A Corpus-based Error Analysis of Writing for publication: A Case of EFL Doctoral Students' Papers
Importance of Reading in Strengthening the Academic Writing Ability
Exploring Academic Writing Challenges of EFL Learners in Algerian Higher Education |
Dr_Meddour_Mostefa_Senouci_Zakaria |
Toulmin’s Argumentation Pattern Analysis of the Discussion Section in Published Articles: the case of research articles in ‘Revue des Sciences Humaines’ of Biskra University. |

Dr_Messaouda_BENDAHMANE |
Academic Writing in the University Setting: Reality and Challenges |

Dr_Mohamed_Akram_ARABET |
The Ideal Academic Writing Apprenticeship: From Stereotypes and Challenges to a Comprehensive Self-evaluative Model |

Dr_Mohammed_NAOUA |
Measuring English Language Written Performance in Algerian Higher Education: The Challenges of Subjective Scoring |

An Exploratory Analysis of the Ethical Protocol in Ph.D Theses Submitted to the Department of English and Literature at Batna 2 University |

Dr_NESBA_Asma |
The University Students’ Academic Writings: Conformity to Standards and Deficiencies |

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Dr_Nour_el_Houda_KHELOUFI |
Generic Features of Applied Linguistics Research Articles: A Rhetorical Perspective |
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Dr_Saihi_Hanane |
Reducing Writing Anxiety Through Peer Revision |
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Dr_Tarek_Assassi_Belahouel_Amina_Yassmine |
Meta-Discourse Markers in Academic Writing: A cross-linguistic study of academic formulaic expressions |
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Mr_AAID_Salah_Eddine_Mrs_AAID_LAICHI_Kenza |
Investigating the Genre of MA Theses Introductions in Literature and Civilization: The Case of Larbi Ben M’hidi University |
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Writing about History between Subjective Interpretation and Objective History |
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Mr_Elhamel_Lamdjed_Dr_Mehiri_Ramdane |
Disclosing Technology’s Role as a Booster of Fake Autonomy in Academic Writing |
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Mr_LARBI_Qwider |
Students' Perceptions on the Main Difficulties Encountered in Article Writing. Case of English Postgraduate Students at Oran2 University. |
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Mr_MALOUKI_Moulay_Abderrahmane_Dr_Ahmed_BECHAR |
A Corpus-Based Analysis of Grammatical Cohesive Devices in introduction section of research articles: case of articles published at JFAS journal |
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Mr_Noureddine_Bendouma_Dr_Salim_Kerboua |
Investigating the Uses of Meta-discourse Markers in Academic Research |
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Mr_Sedrati_Yasser |
Humanities Ethos and the Question of Objectivity |
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Writing an Effective Academic Research Paper: Students’ Perspectives and Challenges |
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Ms_Assasla_Karima_Dr_Kerboua_Salim |
The Pace of Academic Writing Challenges and Prospects of Slow Writing and Fast Writing |
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Ms_Belmokhtar_Khadidja |
Academic Writing in ESP Context: Challenges and Suggestions |
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Ms_DEKHIL_Anfal_Khadidja_Prof_SARNOU_Hanane |
The Hindrances Encountered by Ph.D EFL Students in Writing and Publishing Their Articles: The case of EFL Ph.D students of Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University |
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Ms_Fatine_Merieme_BELARBI |
Identifying Gaps in Academic Writing of EFL Master Students at Tlemcen University |
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Ms_Guermit_Djihad |
Improving Academic Writing through Applying Swale's Model of Creating a Research Space: The Case of 2nd Year Master Students of English |
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Ms_LALAOUA_Nada_Dr_SAIHI_Hanane |
Assessing Learners’ Writing Proficiency Through The Use of Rubrics in Higher Education |
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Ms_Nadjet_Bouzid |
Academic writing for University Students: Between the Challenges of the Craft and the Urging of its Mastering. |
Ms_Omayma_SAIHI_Dr_Ahmed_Chaouki_HOADJLI |
Integrated Writing Tasks: Students’ psychological barriers |
Ms_Slimani_Mariya_Dr_Mehiri_Ramdane |
The Convergence of the Cognitive and the Linguistic Faculties of Reading, Thinking, and Writing in Producing Effective Academic Work |
Considerations of Academic Writing |