the participants
Abstracts of the
Abdessamed Chouihat
abbas chahrazed
An Evaluation of the Algerian Third Year English Textbook of Primary School
aggoun wafa
The Competition for the Status of First Foreign Language in
Algerian Elementary Schools: The French-English Debate
Amaria Fehaima
English in the Algerian elementary schools: Facts, Attitudes and future outlooks. |
Amina Selami |
Are Teachers’ Training Programs Equipping Teachers with the Sufficient Strategies for Promoting 21st-Century Skills in EFL Classrooms? |
Asma NESBA |
The Call for the ESP Adoption at the Heart of the University Teacher English
Language Training Programs |

ASSASLA Karima. Abstract |
Revisiting the Role of the Arabic Language in Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language in Algeria: Reflections on the Algerian Experience with the French Language |

Awicha Benabdalah |
The Prerequisite of ESP Teachers’ Pedagogical Training in the Algerian Higher Education |

Are Teachers’ Training Programs Equipping Teachers with the Sufficient Strategies for Promoting 21st-Century Skills in EFL Classrooms? |

bendahmane Messouada
English language teaching from elementary schooling to higher education: Rethinking the current situation and mapping new era of English language position in Algeria |

Benidir Samira |
English language teaching from elementary schooling to higher education: Rethinking the current situation and mapping new era of English language position in Algeria |

11 |
Benlaksira Faiza |
An Outlook on the Two English Language Implementations for Primary Algerian Pupils |
Bouakel Toufik |
E-assessment in the EFL Academic Context |
13 |
Bouaziz Amina |
Evaluating and Assessing Essays in Higher Education |
14 |
Boudersa Hamza |
Re-thinking and Re-mapping the Position of English in an Algerian E.F.L Situation from a School Skill to a Life One. |
15 |
Bourouina El-Hadj |
The 21st Century Training Skills for EFL Teachers |
16 |
New Literacies and University English Language Teaching: Challenges and Prospects |
17 |
ESP Teachers an Alarming Situation : A Call for training |
18 |
Dr. Mohammed Nabil BENZIANE |
Exploring the Utility of Reading Feedback Classroom Assignments for New Elementary EFL Learners. |
19 |
EL AGGOUNE amina |
Integrating Task Based Instruction in EFL Teaching |
20 |
Fahima Nouichi |
Primary School EFL Teachers’ Vocabulary Teaching Strategies |
21 |
Fillali Hichem |
English Language Assessment in the Algerian Educational System; A Transition From the Summative Assessment to the Formative Assessment |
22 |
Guettaf Temmam Abdelhak |
The Importance of Pre-Service and In-Service Training for teachers of English in the Primary Schools. |
23 |
Haddad Amina |
Back to English : Current English Learning Needs in Algeria |
24 |
Hamani nesrine |
Teaching English to Children in Algerian Primary Schools: An Evaluation by Teachers/Parents |
25 |
Houda Bouhidel |
Children and Foreign Language Learning: Is the Younger the Better? |
26 |
houda djouamaa |
English language teaching from elementary schooling to higher education: Rethinking the current situation and mapping new era of English language position in Algeria تعليم اللغةاالنجليزيةمن املدرسةاا |
27 |
ikhlas Gherzouli |
English Language Education Policy in Algeria: The Case of Primary Level |